Tom, you said somewhere else on this forum, that humans were humans to begin with (regarding a question about animal reincarnation). It seems obvious to me that humans didn't always have this physical shape (which is a result of programed evolution). So when did we become what can be called 'human'? Was a single cell the first 'home' for a human consciousness? What do you think?
Consciousness has very little to do with "cells". My view is that consciousness is electro-photonic and "cells" are not a "home" of it. For more details please read this article.
From the consciousness point of view (the allocation of conscious resources in the Universe) we have always been human.
Our physical bodies are actually constructed CELL BY CELL from a single cell in the presence of severe disturbances. Control of such a complex construction requires phenomenal amount of highly intelligent information processing as well as feedback. This article explains how and where this information is stored.
Tom, if humans were always human then how can you explain the fossils of prehestoric men which clearly indicate that several hunder thousand years back there were humanoids on earth which structuraly looked half way between apes and humans.
Many species of animals go extinct today and went exctinct in the past for various reasons. You seem to focus on "appearances" and only on one particular interpretation of them. Open your mind and focus on the Observable Reality.
If cross-species evolution is at all possible, the evidence would appear everywhere in Nature. Surely someone would notice bacteria evolving to something more evolved than bacteria. Nothing of the kind has ever been noticed. There are only "missing links" - billions of them.
Whether fossils came from a race of humans or animals cannot be established today, simply because intelligence cannot be assessed from fossils and bones. Please see this article for an example how the intelligence and identity of a person who died thousands of years ago can be established today.
Hi Tom, I'd like to tell you something about neurodegenerative diseases and how I think it's linked to consciousness.I've seen the sister of my grandfather (my great aunt) wither and disintegrate into NOTHING, a pile of flesh with no thought or mental reaction whatsoever due to a certain degenerative disease of the brain.It first affected her personality which changed completely, she became agressive and had outbursts of rage for no apparent reason.It's not that she couldn't express her emotions correctly (such as expressing anger although she felt joy because she could not express joy), no she really did feel anger and expressed it.Then her mental speed of thinking has slowed down and I know it cause she said that herself when she was still able to speak.She said she can't keep her concentration focused and her mind just jumps around from one thing to another unable to stay and think about one thing.Later she got to the point where she coudn't UNDERSTAND a simple logic, links between concepts and she stopped recognising people and places familiar to her.She started getting lost in her OWN appartement. Finally she died, losing all of her autonomy, all of her physical and mental functions. Now if this is not a degeneration of intellect then I don't know what it is.What do you think. I know that brain damage has already been discussed in this forum but not in this way though. Could you please answer this? Thanks.
What remains to be determined is the REASON for the degeneration of the brain. I bet that the reason for this "disease" remains a total "mystery".
Our physical body is capable to do a phenomenal range of Self-Repair jobs. It actually carries out self-repairs EVERY DAY. Degeneration (self-destruction) can be due to the "loss of control" over the self-repair process.
Try to admit and consider a possibility that the degeneration of the physical organs is a CONSEQUENCE of mis-programming and mis-using of conscious resources.
What if a person had CHOSEN to extinguish his conscious existence in the Universe before he/she was born? What if a person had CHOSEN to experience the process?
Try to imagine and analyse other scenarios.
Say if someone decided to extinguish their concious existance before they were born. If in their lifetime they changed paths, purely by individual interaction.. If they found a reason to keep going.. Would they still be bound by their pre birth decision?
There are many possible scenarios. For example a person could specify a condition like "if I cannot make it on this 1285 attempt (this lifetime) I do not want to exist anymore. 1285 lifetimes of suffering and failing to see The Light is enough for me".
Doesnt that mean that if we fail to meet our unknown pre birth 'conditions' then we could simply stop existing? That is a disturbing concept.
It is not so disturbing, if it is exactly what we choose.
When we consistently fail to meet the goal that we specified ourselves before we were born - our own body (via our own Higher Self) reminds us that we are not quite on track. We develop mysterious "diseases".
Everyone gets plenty of feedback. Some people take notice and some people ignore it. It is a matter of the Freedom of Choice.
As for myself - I have only learnt to live (in this lifetime) when it was time for me to die. If I haven't experienced this extreme - I would never even ask the question "WHY do I exist?"
Hi, I read a book of Jean Charon a French physicist who already at the end of the seventies discovered and prooved scientifically that the human 'psyche' is actually encoded in the fundamental particles, specifically the electrons. I read his book and it's amazing but what surprises me even more is why such a fundamental discovery hasn't been published anywhere in the world and recognised? I don't get it, it's something even more significant than the theory of relativity and yet he hasn't tried (or hasn't managed) to make it known and recognised in any larger scale. It's sad and funny at the same time but I found and bought his book at a open air flee market for 5 francs.Somehow no one is intrested in knowing.What's your opinion?
Jean Marc
The entire scientific establishment today is decadent and has been for several decades already.
Please read the chapter "Measuring Progress". After being an academic for 25 years I can assure you that it applies to the academic world.
Is that book by Jean Charon called 'The Unknown Spirit' ?
It seems that's the one. The few next steps in verifying how information is encoded in every electron are described in this article.
Apparently, Jean Charon is in a "coma" for the last 5 years. It wouldn't surprise me if he was actually VERIFYING his findings in the same way I reported in The Freedom of Choice book - by separating consciousness from his physical body and seeking its Source...
Tom, I have read entries in the Reader Forum relating to evolution and consciousness, and would like to test my understanding.
The physical body is a learning vehicle for the spiritual/astral body. The physical body adapts to the natural environment and is influenced by the astral body. DNA can be consciously changed. Procreation passes environmental and spiritual changes to the next. As we evolve spiritually the equipment(body) we use to experience the material world evolves. Before birth a range of body types(models), depending on spiritual level, is available for material existence. Although it is a choice I don’t believe a superior body would be available, as the user would not know how to drive it, and therefore not learn from it. A person may choose a disabled body, such as one without sight, if they believed they could learn from it.
You seem to mix several concepts and hypotheses without even trying to establish any logical relationships between them.
Try to integrate all the above (+other things) and try find out the ESSENCE or The Purpose for all those things that exist, seem to exist or you think they exist.
Development of Understanding is a PROCESS. No one can understand anything FOR you. You need to become wiser and smarter all by yourself...