You never mentioned evil in your book. Does itexist? Even the gurus say that there is an evil being. My intellect tells me that people don't need any help from an evil being. Most of them manage to be evil all by themselves.
Your intellect is quite correct!
Do you remember the chapter about the Ego? So-called "evil" is actually created by people who CHOOSE to harm and take advantage of others. In extreme cases we have totalitarian regimes, slavery, concentration camps and the inquisition. All "evil" activities are done by PEOPLE.
What fascinates me greatly is that every society that is based on principles that violate the Purpose of the Universe is not sustainable - it eventually collapses and disintegrates. Isn't it an example of the self-correcting design of the Universe?
From my understanding the concept of 'satan' or 'devil' present in most religions contravenes the Purpose of the Universe and should therefore be discarded. However, my intuition and past experience suggest that some 'evil force' does exist.
Are you familiar with the term 'poltergeist'? I define it a primitive intellect that exists in the middle between the physical and the spiritual world. It comes to Earth with the intention to play with (in the best case) or scare and manipulate people (in the worst case).
Primitive Intellect is just another Individual Intellect who chooses to make strange choices (remember the parable with a dog?). It doesn't need to exist anywhere "in between".
I am aware of numerous such encounters involving moving objects, knocking on walls, etc. They can be very negative for regular people who are ignorant of their true potential. Usually such people become superstitious and dark-minded, which degrades their intelect.
Does your experience or reflections support this view? Shouldn't there be a mechanism in place that prevents such negative influence?
The mechanism is already in place. You can be controlled by someone else ONLY if you CHOOSE to surrender your Freedom of Choice. Have you read the chapter about "psychic attack" in The Freedom?
As soon as you realize that there is NOTHING to be afraid of - you regain your autonomy. People who get scared and superstitious - will one day learn what are consequences of such attitude.
The Bible is filled with referances to the devil supposedly identified by Jesus. I believe that there was no mention of the devil until Jesus's time.
I exist and you exist. Is there a soul that exists that is so corrupt that it could be called the devil and could be intent on destroying everything?If there isn't, then where in the world did this come from? Man's excuse for their own failings? All religions have evil ones that are out to destroy us. If this doesn't exist, then how ignorant are we really?
Look around. Who is polluting the planet to destruction? Who causes untold suffering in humanity by exercising ridiculous doctrines and totalitarism? Who makes wars, concentration camps and weapons of mass destruction?
Devils and other deities are a convenient way to BLAME SOMEONE ELSE. In every 'civilization' that failed (Mayas, Egypt etc..) the rulers introduced beliefs in 'Devil forces' to hide and excuse their own machinations. They even taught people to kill others in the name of God...
We do not even SUSPECT the extent of our ignorance.