Why does a prayer work?

The Freedom of Choice book says that religious rituals are nonsense. This statement makes sense to me since these rituals are man made. I have been praying for years and what confuses me is that this ritual of praying has always been effective. Why is this ritual effective?


Prayer is a specific state of your own Intellect. It becomes effective when YOU make certain choices and FOCUS on them during your prayer. Prayers becomes effective when they reflect YOUR REAL committment, motives and choices that are compatible with the Purpose of the Universe. Prayer is effectively a one-way request to your Higher Self.


All of my prayers have been answered, those that have not been answered -it turns out (as I found out later) that what I asked for is not what was best for me. Now I am not sure to whom or what I have been praying to. What is your opinion?


Always your Higher Self. You are correct - you receive "assistance" only for things that are beneficial for your conscious progress.You will NEVER receive help to do your "homework" i.e. to "educate" the Self (ego), overcome habits, etc...


What is my 'homework' in this life?


The entire book, The Freedom of Choice is written to assist us in determining our goals in life and beyond. The general direction is to develop our Intellect to be capable of consistently make CHOICES that lead to the highest possible feelings and satisfaction.

The actual "homework" is very individual. Life may be considered and "exam" for making autonomous choices and overcoming limitations of the Self.

I am sure that you can identify what is the hardest part of this "exam" for you. Learning to make conscious CHOICES in certain difficult situations is a key part your "homework".


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